Addictions, a scourge in our society, affect millions of people and pose a major public health challenge. Quitoxil, an avant-garde medical application, positions itself as a promising solution. Supported by ON MOOV last November during its €500,000 seed fundraising round, this initiative marks a decisive turning point in addiction treatment.

Addictions, whether related to tobacco, alcohol, or opioids, have devastating consequences. Statistics reveal an alarming picture of the evolution of mental health issues: millions of lives impacted, astronomical healthcare costs, and declining productivity. Traditional therapies, while helpful, are not always sufficient. Hence the urgency to find innovative solutions.

Quitoxil stands out with its unique approach to fighting addiction. Alexia Adda (pictured above), a healthcare engineer and founder of the startup, envisions creating an accessible digital therapy, providing a tangible alternative to conventional methods. Built in collaboration with Professor Amine Benyamina, an authority in the field of addiction medicine in France, Quitoxil promises a revolution in addiction treatment.

On Moov is thrilled to participate in this fundraising by investing for the first time in digital therapies and mental health. The project has captured our attention because it has a strong societal impact, addressing a major public health issue.

The business model, in collaboration with health insurance companies, promises an ambitious B2B2C strategy.

Furthermore, the unique father-daughter duo aspect in the creation of Quitoxil adds a personal and innovative touch. ndeed, Alexia Adda partnered with the experience of her father, Didier Adda, a serial entrepreneur, to embark on this entrepreneurial adventure.

A promising hope for a more humane and innovative solution to a real societal issue!

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